
By Harsha
Today was fun for the most part until now.
I watched dodge ball at lunch. That was cool.
Afterschool, I went to a friend's bday party and played football, basketball, Halo, and watched Role Models.
You know, Role Models was hilarious but one part that really irked me was the fact that the words "gay", "retarded", and "homo" were used multiple times. I don't have a problem with swearing but don't use those words to describe something you don't like. You're insulting people out there when you say that. Now, movies are doing it so the badness just got mass spread.
Since then, I got into this random depression for a # of reasons:

1) I wish I was in journalism. I found out about the app last year on the day it was due. Fate didn't want me to do it but I want to. Everytime I see the paper or chat with people at Journo late nights, it makes me sad to realize that I couldn't do it and it was my fault for not finding out about the app earlier. That makes it worse.
2) Society's usage of "gay", "retarded", "homo" to describe things in derogatory forms.
3) Love (to put it in strong terms)

Back into a gloom. we'll see how things go from here.

2 comments so far.

  1. ptthunder November 23, 2008 at 2:06 AM
    you needa get laid son
  2. Shelby November 23, 2008 at 2:11 AM
    What about calling her bi-polar girl? Or is that not derogatory?
    Sometimes you have to laugh at society, the movie making those references wasn't to try and perpetuate the situation but make fun of it in some ways.
    And three I can't believe you get depressed so easy as to feel like that after a movie used the word "gay" to mean "retarded".
    Here's a prescription for a pair of stones =p

Something to say?