
By Harsha
Connections...with people.
You ever have those days where you talk to someone who you just considered a "Friend" or acquantance to say it crudely?
And then, you start talking and time passes by so quickly and you realize that you've wasted so much time by not talking to that person?
You realize how much you and that person have in common and that you may have possibly just made another good friendship and possibly added someone to your list of best friends to whom you can talk about anything to and with whom you can talk to at anytime of any day.
I went through that revelation tonight and I must say I love the feeling it gave me.
And so I have to thank Aprajita for that. Thanks :)

2 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous December 7, 2008 at 1:46 AM
    I'm so glad you imed me tonight Harsha :D Thank you for being such a cool person
  2. Unknown December 7, 2008 at 11:02 PM
    WOW this has happened to me about a bajillion times this year.
    its like what we're going through these days lol. we do have a lot in common, except for the fact that you like olives.
    not cool.
    haha jk
    but yea i know exactly what you're talking about and sometimes it gets crazy becuase when something happens to you have to update like EVERYONE. but its worth it :)

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