Moving On & Audioslave Cover Band

By Harsha
You know lately I've been blogging about love issues and junk.
This week has been one GIANT revelation for me.
I came to realize that sometimes when you like a girl, eventually you like the image of her more than the girl herself. When you come to realize this, you know that it's time to move on.
I am moving on. I'm not sad about it because I know I had to do it eventually. I'm glad it was sooner than later. I'm a bit happy about this because, in a crude sense, I'm "free" now.
I'm not completely over her yet because this isn't something that happens in a few seconds.
It's going to take me a few more days but I am going to get over her soon.

On a different note, I've really been thinking about getting together some people to start a cover band for Audioslave. If anybody wants to join or knows anyone who is available to join, let me know. I plan on doing vocals because...well..I can't play guitar, bass, or drums. haha and on top of that I know all the Audioslave songs and lyrics. So, if you know/are a guitarist, bassist, or a drummer that is interested in joining, let me know. Who knows? We might even play at Diversity Day or something. If any of you plays any of those instruments and has never heard Audioslave before, here are some youtube links for their music (I've taken only their mainstream songs but if you like what you hear, I can send you all their albums):

Revelations - Audioslave

Like A Stone - Audioslave

Be Yourself - Audioslave

Doesn't Remind Me - Audioslave

Enjoy! :D

1 comment so far.

  1. Sanand Lee December 22, 2008 at 10:43 PM
    hi harsha,

    my name is sumukh anand and i am a junior at mv. i want to break apart from my current band (brown sound) because they dont treat me properly. for srs. i play the guitar and i can occasionally drop quite the tune. hit me up at the sn: r0ckti11udr0p. or hax.

Something to say?