Stealing To Become A Better Person

By Harsha
I steal.
I don't steal objects. I don't steal items. I don't steal material possessions.
I steal characteristics, unique qualities, and/or good aspects of people.
I always strive to become a better person. I've always strived to do so but I've never took the initiative to achieve that goal.
Since junior year, I've really been motivated to become a better person. So, I started noting things about people that I don't normally notice: their patience, their emotions to small things, their facial reactions, etc. etc. Not that I didn't notice before but now I'm analyzing what those things mean.
I try and find a good aspect or quality in everyone and if I don't have that quality (which I usually don't) I try and see how I can integrate that quality into my daily life.
However, if that quality seems to contrast with my personality or who I am, I won't "add" it to my persona but I will keep in the back of my personality bank, in case I ever need it.
I steal to become a better person. So, to all of you who I have stolen characteristics from, I apologize for doing so without your consent :P haha JK.
I really don't think you care about that but I must thank you all for being so exceptionally unique and for helping me become a better person. I've already become a better person because I'm surrounded by friends like you guys.
I steal.

1 comment so far.

  1. ptthunder January 26, 2009 at 4:37 PM
    LOL tell that to the cops yo :\
    "I steal because stealing these items will make me a better person (in terms of monetary value)"

Something to say?